School Uniform
Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride, creating an identity for the school and is an important part of being a student at our school.
The school’s uniform is attractive and easy to wear and care for; it helps encourage a school spirit, negates peer group pressure and gives the students a sense of belonging to our school. The uniform also provides a measure of security when students are on excursions.
Implementation of these guidelines will –
promote equality amongst all students;
assist with the provision of a safe school environment for students;
develop a sense of pride in and identification with our school;
enhance the appearance of the students and the positive image of the school in the community; and
provide cost effective items of durable clothing
It is compulsory for students to wear school uniform during school days and for special formal occasions outside of normal school time. Full uniform must be properly worn at all times while travelling to and from school.
General Appearance
All items of uniform must be of reasonable fit, maintained in good repair and presented neatly, i.e. clean and tidy.
Unless otherwise indicated by the Principal, students must wear correct school uniform on all excursions.
Exemptions and consequences of being out of uniform
It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children come to school wearing the correct uniform.
If, for some reason, a child is unable to wear the full uniform, a note of explanation will be required, in order to eliminate any misunderstanding. It is expected that this will be of a very temporary nature (maximum 2 days).
It is the responsibility of the Principal and staff to ensure that the uniform regulations are enforced. The Principal or Teacher will send home a note requesting that the student wear correct uniform, if an explanation has not been provided.
Requests for exemption will be referred to the Principal for approval.
Appropriate clothes in school colours, or as near as possible, must be worn.
Warm clothing (non-uniform items) e.g. coat, scarf, beanie, gloves, may be worn outside when the weather is cold, but must be removed inside the classroom.
Hair is to be worn in a neat and tidy style.
Students with longer hair should wear it tied back, or “up” in a ponytail, plait or some other suitable style. Blue or white hair ties are the only acceptable colour.
Jewellery, nail polish and make-up are not part of the school dress code and are not to be worn with school uniform.
If a child has pierced ears, one plain stud or sleeper per ear may be worn (no earrings that dangle or have sharp or jagged edges or irregular shape).
Religious medals may be worn on a chain around the neck. Care must be taken to ensure that these are worn in such a way as to be safe while playing or participating in activities.
Students are permitted to wear a watch.
Naming Clothing
Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly named so that items can be easily identified if lost or misplaced and returned when found.
Lost Property
All unnamed property is stored in a lost property box for parents and children to recover.
Lost property is stored at school for a term only.
At the end of the year unclaimed items will be added to second-hand stock.
Non-Uniform (Casual Dress) Days
On school-approved non-uniform (casual dress) days students should wear appropriate clothing and shoes that do not contravene the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare requirements of the school.
No thongs, singlets or dresses with thin straps are to be worn on these occasions.
Sports Uniform
A combination of the school polo (Uniform List Item 1), plain navy shorts or track pants, and suitable footwear for Physical Education lessons and inter-school sport events.
The school’s uniform includes sun-protective clothing and sun-hat, which must be worn in accordance with the school’s Sun Protection Guidelines https://spnhill.catholic.edu.au/sunsmart.
If practical, students can wear appropriate close-fitting wrap-around sunglasses labelled AS:1067 to help protect their eyes.
Uniform List
Changes to the uniform may only be made at the discretion of the Principal in consultation with the School Advisory Council.
Refer to the Uniform List for all compulsory and optional uniform items.
Uniform ‘Shop’
Items marked 1 are available from local supplier Cambrelle’s, 53 Victoria Street, Nhill.
Items marked 2 can be sourced by suppliers such as Target, Kmart, Lowes, BigW, Best & Less, or 3 websites: Made for School, search Cowan Check School Dress; State Schools Relief Shop, search gingham-summer-dress-navy; Lowes online, search navy-white-gingham-dress.
The school office keeps a limited stock of the summer dress 4, and second-hand uniform.