Governing Authority
Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL) is the company established by Bishop Paul Bird to become the governing body for schools in the Ballarat Diocese.
DOBCEL was established to fulfill the following objectives:
To ensure consistency and professionalism of governance for parish schools.
To ensure the continued pastoral ministry of priests in parish schools.
To allow the ongoing engagement of parish and local communities.
To ensure effective and transparent stewardship of education resources.
To allow the Diocese of Ballarat to address Recommendation 16.6 of the Royal Commission (that parish priests are not the employers of principals and teachers in Catholic schools).
To allow Catholic education authorities to meet the Victorian Government’s requirement for organisations that receive government funding (including schools) to be governed by incorporated legal entities.
For further information about DOBCEL click here
DOBCEL Governance
DOBCEL Governance documents
DOBCEL Policies
Click here for the DOBCEL Policies
Child Safety
Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL) Board is committed to:
zero tolerance of child abuse;
listening to and empowering children and young people; and
keeping children and young people safe.
The DOBCEL Board maintains governance oversight of DOBCEL schools. DOBCEL Board, through its Office of Management, ensures that DOBCEL schools:
are safe for children and young people, and
are places where children and young people can flourish.
View the DOBCEL Child Safe Policies.